Things to do before I leave....

-PACK!!!!!!!....please what is the weather like in Nigeria?
-Pack, moving to a new apartment, so gotta pack!!!!!
-Get storage space...sigh!
-Get hair, nails, eyebrows, and other essentials done!!!!
-SHOP for the family.
-write a list of things/places I have to visit or do in Naija!

Ok I have not been to Nigeria in 6years and I am going in 10 FREAKING DAYSSSSSS!!!!! I am sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo excited! Please pray for me and my family so we are safe(PH is not that safe right now). Did I say I am excited? Ok back to packing!!..woohooo!


P.S I had a grand time last night with Bob-ij, Mz Eniola , Seunmoney and all my other Ottawa bloggers! I love this city! I am still very hyper! ok deuces!..xx!


Lolia said...

LOL the weather is hot!
Le sigh, I need to pack too...I need to shop too...In fact your list is my list! But wow you haven't been in six years? I'm sure you'll have fun and your family will be safe and well :)

Favoured Girl said...

Have a very safe journey and have loads of fun! Be prepared for the culture shock though :) Six years is a long time.
Naija is always hot!

NaijaScorpio said...

I am so jealous. Have fun and be safe.

Yinkuslolo said...

six years! wow, u will go quite a bit, like adapting to some changes. Naija has changed ph, as at last last year, when I was there last

Anonymous said...

Have a wonderful time! Oh! Can I ask you for a favour, seeing as you live in Ottawa? I'll sha send you an email, no worries if it won't be possible.

Giagerry said...

greet naija 4 me oooo!

LG said...

lolll babes it rained cats n dogs n fowls last week in lagos, maybe dis week ll be different (dont kno abt port tho)

*welcome home

Mz. Eniola said...

aghhhh nt fair ur goin to naij :( i want to go too!!!:(
sniffs! i hate packing pack a whole box for a 2 day trip :P hee hee! ohhh!!! im coming to raid ur box wen u get bckk! u knw d usuals to bring bck...
safe journey babe!x

LusciousRon said...

It's hot as usual. But it is rainy season so it is cool. Have fun. Bring lots of cookies for staying in. The rians get crazy.

mizchif said...

Short i sweet we r trying to make it now ehn, just 10 days?
Better make a comprehensive list of places u want to go and be sure to contact a "baba" to hold the rain for u, if not....... prepare to but plenty diesel and sit at home.

Have a safe trip and have fun. said...

Have a safe trip and soak yourself in the blood of Jesus!!!

Im a follower of your blog and id love for you to check out my site… and my blog..
We specialize in stylish favors for all life’s event… we do ship to Nigeria as well!!
God bless you

Andrea said...

Have a great trip..

LusciousRon said...

Haba, the trip never finish? Hope you had a great time. Come back and update o

Lady said...

babyyyyyyy!!!!!!!!!!1 *MY LOVE*....I REALLY REALLLLLLLLLLYYYYYYY MISSSSSSS YOUU!!!!!!!!!!!! *sniff*.....DID I MENTION I MISS YOU?????????? HIT ME UP ONCE U R BACK BIAAAATTTTCHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!! oh i really miss you!!!!!!! *SNIFF*
P.S: call me!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I think you're back! Come gist us now!